Innovative Practices for School leaders – Endicott College, Masters of International Education, Bangkok campus

“If you want to see the effectiveness of an educator, you do not look at what the teacher is doing but at the learners whom they serve.”

This quote, along with many other pearls of wisdom shared from George Couros in his book “The Innovators Mindset: empower learning, unleash talent and lead a culture of creativity” have featured in my teaching this week to the Masters of International Education students for Endicott College.

Innovative practices for School leaders is about the culture and the way of thinking that these future leaders create in their teams and is part of our daily discussions and thinking.

Creating visual diagrams to illustrate an effective curriculum supervision process is one of the challenging tasks we have accomplished this week. Challenging thinking about what innovation is and what it is not, making connections with our leadership philosophy and shifting our thinking as we go are also features of the week so far. Innovation is about a way of thinking that creates something new and better – innovative practices are practical strategies that we can use in our leading for learning.  I am looking forward to the innovative practice proposals that the students will be presenting on Friday as our culminating activity to showcase our learning.