Governance -School Owners &Board members in IB Schools

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Kuala Lumpur


+65 6 579 5000

Governance -School Owners &Board members in IB Schools

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logo_ibo Governance for Boards and owners in IB Schools. We always could learn more from each other and network - this is a great opportunity to learn more about what is involved for governance in IB Schools. I am looking forward to working with Nigel Forbes-Harper for this workshop on helping School Owners and Board members of IB Schools understand the standards and practices expected by the IBO. For governing body members (and owners) it is critical that they understand how positive and international standard governance practices can impact positively on student achievement. We all want our students to achieve the best that they can, get into the University of their choice or move to a career that they desire. High quality governance practices in IB Schools can help governing board members with achieving this goal. It is also a unique opportunity for School owners and Board members to network and create further support connections amongst the group.  

Contact Deidre for more information

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