Recent Conference presentations/workshops that Deidre has hosted include:

  • IB World Heads Conference (Singapore 2011),
  • ‘An exploration of the importance of trust and culture in the workplace’ (EARCOS Leadership Conference, November 2015),
  • ‘Women in Leadership’ panel (EARCOS Leadership Conference,  November 2014),
  • ‘An introduction to Leadership and Achieving your Goals’ (KORCOS, March 2016),
  • ‘Promoting Diversity – Women and Leadership’ (IB Asia Pacific Regional Conference, March 2016).
  • “Management Skills 101”, (EARCOS Leadership Conference, October 2016)
  • ‘Growing Global Citizens’ 2 day workshop at Bali Island School, (February 2016) -(
  • ‘Building capacity within schools’ (EARCOS 2012),
  • Diversity: An essential ingredient for Leadership Teams? (EARCOS Leadership 2014) and
  • ‘Diversity as a key element of inclusion’ (EARCOS leadership 2015).
  • ‘The Grass is Greener where you water it’ (Academy of International School Heads (AISH) in Munich 2013, EARCOS Teachers 2014 and The Association of International School Heads in India (TAISI) in Mumbai, September 2015).
  • Fostering potential for aspiring female leaders in education (EARCOS Leadership 2014)

Workshops, Conferences & Teaching

Global Citizenship

Inclusive Practices


Nurturing Potential



“Great Leaders find ways to connect with their people and help them achieve their potential” – Steven J Sowell.

As a leader and as an individual, I believe that the grass IS greener where you water it, and as leaders we can positively impact our schools by helping others achieve their potential.

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